Dear Members,
As we gear up towards the forthcoming URRO AGM due 12th April 2023 at the Green Room, National Theatre, here are some updates on the election process to the URRO Board.
Category 1:
Candidates nominated to represent Rightsholder associations on the Board are as below:
1. Uganda Publishers Association (UPA)- David Kibuuka, CEO of Roots Publishers; formerly Country Director for Pearson and Longhorn Publishers.
2. Uganda Children’s Writers and Illustrators Association (UCWIA)- Eva Mutongole Wamala, Chairperson of UCWIA
3. Uganda Women Writers Association (FEMRITE)- Fortunate Tusasirwe, Board member at FEMRITE
4. Uganda Textbook, Academic and Non-fiction Authors Association (UTANA)- Dr. Justus Biryomumeisho, a Lecturer at Gulu University
5. Uganda Songwriters Association (USWA)- no person yet.
Category 2:
Candidates that have expressed interest in representing Individual members of URRO
1. Crystal Rutangye, Publishing Director at Scribe House and Publishing Commonwealth Scholar-Publishing Studies (2014-15).
2. Johnson Maganja, A children’s writer, teacher, and Journalist
Charles Batambuze
Executive Director
Uganda Reproduction Rights Organisation (URRO)
National Book Trust of Uganda (NABOTU)
tel 0414 235264
Mob 0772580287