About us

Uganda Reproduction Rights Organisation (URRO) was incorporated in 2010 as a company limited by guarantee. It was registered as a full collecting society in August 2014. It was founded to act on behalf of authors and publishers of literary works to protect copyright, license users of protected literary works, collect fees, distribute royalties and contribute to the fight against book piracy.

URRO derives its mandate from the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act 2006 and the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Regulations 2010. It is a membership organization with members composed of associations of copyright holders which became members by signing mandate assignments for their right of reproduction. 

URRO has signed bilateral reciprocal agreements with similar reproduction rights organizations in other countries that are members of WIPO, ARIPO, UNESCO or are state parties to the TRIPS treaty. This way literary works of foreign authors and publishers are accorded the same national treatment as local authors and publishers.

URRO works to ensure adequate remuneration resulting from the exploitation of literary works. In the distribution of royalties, URRO is guided by rules and principles or standards as set by local and international organizations. Accordingly URRO is a member in good standing of the Collective Management Organisations  (CMOs) Forum which is platform for advancing copyright in Uganda. URRO is a member of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO).
